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уторак, 26. децембар 2017.

The Present Perfect Tense

THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Form The present perfect tense is formed with the present tense of the auxiliary verb to have (have/has)+ the past participle: I have worked. SPELLING/ PRONUNCIATION The past participle in regular verbs has exactly the same form and pronunciation as the simple past, i.e. loved, walked etc. In irregular verbs, the past participles vary and have different forms in the third column. The negative is formed by adding...

уторак, 5. децембар 2017.

The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense Form The past continuous tense is formed by the past tense of the auxiliary verb to be + the present participle: Affirmative         Negative                         Interrogative I was working     I was not working           was I working? USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past Use...

среда, 15. новембар 2017.

The Simple Past Tense

THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE Form A The simple past tense in regular verbs is formed by adding the inflectional suffix –(e)d to the infinitive base: Infinitive: to work Simple past: worked Affirmative       Negative                             Interrogative I worked.          I did not(didn't) work.         Did...

уторак, 14. новембар 2017.

The Present Continuous Tense

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Form The present continuous tense is formed with the present tense of the auxiliary verb be and the present participle: A Affirmative                         Negative                                                 Interrogative I...

недеља, 12. новембар 2017.

Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense Form A In the affirmative the simple present has the same form as the infinitive base but we add an inflectional suffix -(e)s to the infinitive base (bare infinitive) for the third person singular. Affirmative    Negative      Interrogative   Negative interrogative I work.         I do not work.      do I work?      do I not work? SPELLING...

субота, 11. новембар 2017.

English is a North Sea Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca. Named after the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes that migrated to England, it ultimately derives its name from the Anglia (Angeln) peninsula in the Baltic Sea. It is closely related to the Frisian languages, but its vocabulary has been significantly influenced by other Germanic languages, particularly Norse (a North Germanic...